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We all have a GenX Story. What’s yours?
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We're still standing: 2023 in the rearview
Well, we survived 2023. Wanna hear what the GenX Stories podcast crew is looking forward to next year? Of course you do. Listen in and you’ll even hear our words for 2024 (because you know how we feel about those stupid resolutions). Happy new year everyone! Seeya sometime in January.
Shall we play a (video) game?
Today we're talking all about video games, both what they were like when we were kids and what they've evolved into. From Pacman to Space Invaders, Donkey Kong to Pitfall, and even the OG Pong, we're spilling the tea on our top three all-time favorite games from back in the day. So, toss in that quarter and get those joystick skills warmed up, because this one's gonna rock!
Does GenX do ASMR?
Today we're taking on something Courtney has been after us to talk about for years - ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response). From chasing the elusive 'brain tingles' to pondering its potential as the ultimate sleep aid for a restless generation, we're exploring how (or if) GenX engages with ASMR. Between uses by AARP, Super Bowl ads and even sports teams, find out if there's a quiet(er) side to midlife or if ASMR just ain't for us.
GenX deep dive: Four albums, all the memories
Get ready for a crazy musical ride on our latest episode. The experiment: Each host picked an GenX album they love, made the rest of us listen to it, and then we talked about it. This is a totally new thing for us so it could have been amazeballs or a total disaster (hint, it wasn't a disaster).
Sincerely yours: Movies that define GenX
In this episode, we dig into the movies that shaped who we are as a generation. Whether you're looking to reminisce about your favorite coming-of-age movies (Breakfast Club anyone?) or are curious about the cultural touchstones that made us, step back in time with the GenX Stories crew.
It’s a Snack Attack!
We hope you're hungry! It's time to talk GenX's favorite snacks & drinks. What we loved as kids, what kept us going as young adults (at least when we moved away from our parents!) and even what we're feeding GenZ these days. So spread some florescent Cheeze on cracker, dig out that 40 year old Twinkie to nibble on and wash it all down with some Tang while you listen to this tasty walk down memory lane.
(Not so) old dogs, new tricks: Reinventing midlife
On today’s episode of GenX Stories we wonder if you can really change your world in midlife? What have we done that we thought we were too old to try? Or what are we still planning to try? Life definitely ain’t over and you may be surprised how GenXers are choosing to reinvent ourselves in our 50s.
ENCORE: Writing what we know
On today’s kick-ass encore episode, we have a real treat - Eve’s cousin Jenny talks all about turning the loss of her father to HIV into a very personal just published GenX-y novel
Cruel Summer: What we’ve been up to
Welcome to Season 5 of GenX Stories! While as kids we used to have a "break" over the summer, GenXers don't really get that anymore at midlife. So what the hell did we actually DO on our podcast hiatus? You'd actually be surprised what we've been up to.
Go behind the scenes with us
While season 4 of the podcast was shorter than we planned, the Gen X stories gang is getting ready for season five. Usually we keep our goofy-ass brainstorms private, but we’d love you to listen in on this one.
Joyously Absurd: Adulting at midlife
After months of dealing with so much personal big stuff this season, the GenX Stories crew is finally together just in time to talk about it all. On this episode, we discuss accountability and integrity, when we actually started adulting and how we manage all the bumps along our midlife road.
You’ve got a friend: making BFF’s at midlife
Today we've got a GenX topic that effects us both deeply: making friends at midlife. Weird you say? Well you may be surprised to hear that after years of doing this podcast together, Lori and I had actually NEVER MET. At least not in person. All that changed earlier this spring and we’re going to spill all the tea. (well, most of it).
Work it, baby work it: GenX & jobs
Today on the podcast we're talking all about jobs. The ones we had as teens, our first “real” ones, and even the ones that taught us a thing or two about life (and ourselves).
I want my MTV
Today’s episode is all about being the “MTV generation”, the iconic music video cable channel launched the summer of 1981.
Losing a parent as a GenXer
Today we’re taking on a topic that both Courtney and I have sadly experienced firsthand - losing a parent as a Gen Xer.
What makes a movie a cult classic?
Today the GenX Series Podcast gang is talking about cult classic films with with a special guest - Final Destination and American Pie movie producer Craig Perry