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Join us every other Wednesday for a fun and frank discussion about what made us and what’s next.
We all have a GenX Story. What’s yours?
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Collecting, Fandoms and Obsessions
Today the GenX Stories gang is talking about obsessions. I mean… fandoms & collecting.
BONUS: Interview with GenX author/editor Gabi Lorino
Today we have a special little bonus for ya’ll - an interview with Gabi Lorino, a kick ass book editor and 100% pure GenXer.
Oh, the places we went: GenX & books
This week, the gang talks about books, books, and more books. The ones we loved reading as kids, the ones we shouldn't have read as kids, the books that shaped us how we grew up and what role books & reading plays now in our increasingly digital world.
Hi Ho, GenX Stories Here (Ah-hah-hah!)
The GenX Stories gang needed some laughs so we took on the Muppets & Sesame Street which caused a serious conversation. (because of course it did).
Everything old is new again
Welcome to Season 4 of GenX Stories! We finally got the gang together, and thought we'd kick off our new season talking about how everything old is new again
We are the champions (well, sorta)
The GenX Stories podcast just won a Best in Show W3 Award in the podcast category.
It’s a wrap (for season 3 that is)
As we wrap up season 3 of the podcast (OMG - really?) and look ahead to season 4, this episode is a love letter to our kick-ass and hysterical hosts
We are GenX
On today’s episode we're digging into what being GenX really means to the podcast crew, from a personal, cultural and even societal point of view.
Those hot summer nights
Sneak into a cool movie theater with us and hear all about those footloose and fancy free summers.
I want my two dollars
This week the crew dishes on one of the sexiest topics around: money.
BONUS: Fools like us
We know it’s a few days after April fools day, but we still have some stories to share. On this little bonus episode, hear all the goodies from our Facebook community, and why Gen X doesn’t trust anyone, especially on April 1st.
Holding out for a hero?
Does our generation have any heroes? The GenX Stories gang isn’t really sure. Between family members we respect, public figures we admire & others who inspire us, hear why we think our generation struggles to use the word “hero” at all.
Dogs & cats living together! Mass hysteria!
On today’s episode, the GenX Stories gang is talking all about our furry friends.
I was told there'd be no math
The GenX Stories gang explores the importance of what we were taught (or not!) when we were younger & if that changed when we grew up.
Do you gotta have faith?
This week the GenX Stories gang explores our generation’s unique relationship to a higher power, whatever that may be.
Becoming our parents
Admit it - we never thought we’d turn into our parents, but it’s happening. The podcast gang explores what that actually looks like for a sarcastic, non-conforming group like GenXers.