Explore podcast episodes

Join us every other Wednesday for a fun and frank discussion about what made us and what’s next.

We all have a GenX Story. What’s yours?

Eve Simon Eve Simon

Aging: The good, the bad & the WTF

Look, we weren’t gonna talk about aging, but here we are—because apparently, it’s happening whether we like it or not. People say GenX is aging differently, but tell that to our knees, eyesight, and ability to function after 9 PM. From shifting looks to mystery aches to questioning if we can still pull off certain outfits, we’re covering it all. As always, expect brutal honesty, a little oversharing, and plenty of “WTF happened?!” moments. Buckle up, cuz midlife is wild.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Breakfast of Champions: GenX & Saturday Morning Cartoons

Grab your sugary cereal and get comfy—we’re throwing it back to the cartoons that defined our childhoods! From Saturday morning classics to the animated gems we still love today, we’re diving into what made these shows so special. Did we move on to “grown-up” animation, or are we still watching our old favorites? OH! And you know you want to know Courtney;s saturday morning parental theory and why Eve named her Roomba after a favorite cartoon chatacter. Tune in for a kickass & nostalgic ride!

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Drinking from the hose: 80s Kids’ Survival Stories

Miss us? We took a little breather after the 2024 election, but guess what? We’re BACK, whether you’re ready or not! Today, we’re diving into all the wild, questionable, and downright dangerous things we did as kids. Seatbelts? Helmets? Never heard of ‘em. Left home alone with zero supervision? Of course. Roaming on our bikes for hours with no cell phone or tracking? How did we even survive?! Plus, our Facebook group chimed in with their own insane childhood stories—you won’t believe what they got away with. Buckle up (or don’t, in true 80s style) and hit play!

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

ENCORE: Sticky buns & other holiday traumas

While we’re on hiatus, we thought you’d dig hearing this Thanksgiving episode again! Enjoy. 🤘
Embracing holiday traditions, dealing with crazy family and filling up on appetizers - that’s what is on the holiday menu this week with Eve, Courtney, Chris and Lori. Prepare for your Thanksgiving by hearing our insane family stories (because weaponized sticky buns), finding out the right time to eat holiday dinner and getting advice for this hectic time of year, including the best way to handle a "drive-by bunning”. Hanging out at the kid's table was never this fun.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Pressing Pause: Why we’re taking a break

After the shock of the 2024 election, the podcast crew has decided to take a little breather. We want to show up as our most authentic and snarky selves, so we’re putting the show on hold for now while we figure out next steps. To all our listeners—you have no idea how much you mean to us. This show has been a lifeline for the four of us through all the ups and downs of the past few years, and we just need some time to reset & regroup.

We hope to be back with new episodes in 2025, but if anything changes, we’ll let you know! In the meantime, come hang out in our Facebook group to stay in the loop and soak up some GenX vibes.

Seeya on the flip side, kids. #loveyou #meanit

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

ENCORE: I want candy

Get ready for a blast from the past! This encore Halloween episode, originally released in October 2020 (remember the lockdown Halloween?!) is one of our favorites—and when Lori, Courtney, Chris, and I started to come together as a podcast family.

Join us as we dive into Lori's candy corn obsession, my blue fuzzy dog costume, Courtney's legendary front yard celebrations, and Chris’s hysterical late-night TV pumpkin adventures. Get a taste of Gen X Halloween experiences that are sure to make you laugh your costume right off. But make sure to hide those candy wrappers.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Back in the Day: Our top 1986 album picks

Last season, we took a deep dive into four iconic Gen X albums, each handpicked by one of us. We had so much fun, we’re bringing it back—this time with a twist! Just like before, each of us has selected an album, we’ve all listened, and now we’re sharing our thoughts (because, let’s be honest, we always have plenty to say). But this time, we’re focusing on one specific year: 1986.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Is it (finally) our time? GenX and the 2024 Election

As we finally start Season 6 of the podcast, we’re talking all about the upcoming election. BUT hold your horses before you yell at us for getting political. We're NOT gonna go there. Who you vote for is up to YOU and we are very very aware that politics is the third rail these days. However, we ARE gonna talk about the what it looks like when GenXers (or those we claim as ours) run for National office in terms of attitude, the role of pop culture in the process and how the 2024 election cycle feels as a result. And even if you don'r listen to this awesome episode, VOTE! 

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

The dog ate my podcast

Betcha were wondering where the GenX Stories Gang has been after we promised to start season 6 in september. PSYCH! But seriously, we have a reason for the delay and hate Eve’s computer for it. Listen in to hear about when Season 6 will actually start. (Hint: It’s soon - no, really!)

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

Be a fly on the wall of our off the rails season five podcast wrap up and season 6 brainstorm. where else can you hear about Ned the non-binary newt, our search for the perfect GenZ (but GenX loving) intern, and how protective we are of our amazing Facebook community. You’ll even find out what Fast Company asked us about Gen X that we couldn’t answer, and what we’re planning for the fall release of our sixth (!!!) season.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Dear 20-Year-Old Me

If you could, what would you say to your 20-year-old self? In today’s episode, we’re diving into the advice we wish we had back then (and whether we’d even listen to ourselves). Hindsight is definitely 20/20, but it may just show our 50+ selves how far we've come—or not!

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Life Moves Pretty Fast: The Movies of John Hughes

You! Yeah YOU! Get that popcorn ready because the podcast crew is diving deep into John Hughes' iconic movies. From all the quirky characters to the timeless coming-of-age themes, Hughes had a unique way of capturing GenXers that still resonates today. Take a trip back to the '80s with us to explore the iconic moments, memorable quotes, and enduring legacy of all your favorites. Bueller? Bueller?

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

1984 Flashback: Songs Turning 40 in 2024

Today, the podcast crew is diving into the top tunes turning 40 in 2024. and you may be surprised how many are on the list. Plus we've got a rad '80s enthusiast joining us - author Tami Dever - .to talk about what made 1984 such an important year in music history. Putting aside how old this all makes us feel, hear our top picks from that iconic year as well as what our outspoken Facebook community had to say. Seriously, no self respecting genXer will skip this one - listen now.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

The Dark Side of Valentine’s Day

Is there a better time to get real about the darker side of Valentine's Day, especially for GenXers? Is it all hearts and flowers, or is there more to the story? Things have definitely changed for a few of us since our last romance episode in 2021, but you know that we still have tons of opinions. Gird your loins for some straight-up GenX talk about this Hallmark Holiday and the Vday expectations game.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

The Perks of Being GenX

Ready for some real GenX scoop? Today, we're dishing about the perks of being over 50 (yep, they exist!). From health and work to society, pop culture, relationships, family, and the dreaded 'Misc' category (aka, WTF moments) you know we never hold back. Want more? Tune in for the wisdom of our kick-ass FB group and our personal top three GenX perks. Buckle up, kiddies.

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Eve Simon Eve Simon

Hashtag This: GenX's Social Media Story

Yes, we know it's totally ironic, but on today's episode we’re talking about Chris’s favorite topic -  social media (#not). What channels are GenXers on?  Are the people we follow doing our generation proud or making us cringe? And honestly, do we even belong there? Tune in for the good, the bad, the ugly, and the whatevers on social.

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