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Join us every other Wednesday for a fun and frank discussion about what made us and what’s next.
We all have a GenX Story. What’s yours?
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BONUS: Writing what we know
On today’s kick-ass bonus episode, we have a real treat - Eve’s cousin Jenny talks all about turning the loss of her father to HIV into a very personal YA novel.
Is it a reboot or a remake?
This week the GenX Stories gang shares how we really feel about the “new takes” of tv shows and movies we grew up on.
Genie Wishes & Resolutions
As 2021 winds down, the GenX stories podcast gang waxes poetic about making genie wishes instead of resolutions, self-improvement holiday gifts never to give and all the rules we’re gonna break in the new year.
What's cookin' good lookin'?
On today’s episode, the gang nibbles on some tasty tidbits about our generation’s relationship to cooking.
Sticky buns & other holiday traumas
Embracing holiday traditions, dealing with crazy family and filling up on appetizers - that’s what is on the holiday menu this week with
Becoming a sandwich generation
On today’s episode, the gang digs into what makes GenX the latest “sandwich” generation and how we’re handling it.
Are you freaked out yet?
In honor of Halloween, the GenX Stories podcast gang is freaking out over horror movies. Why they work, how has their impact on us changed over time, and what scares the crap out of us now.
What it's like for a (GenX) girl
Is this episode a PJ party or just good old fashioned girl talk? What’s for sure is that the ladies of the podcast (Chris was traveling) chat openly and honestly about feminism & what it’s like to be a GenX woman.
Wait, What? Our favorite misheard song lyrics
In this episode, the GenX Stories podcast gang finds out what a Mondegeen is, what a Raspberry Beret is not and which songs we embarrassingly just learned the right lyrics to.
Love, GenX Style: Let's Get it On
his week the gang gets way personal (with the help of our outspoken Facebook happy hour crew) and digs deep into the truth about love, marriage, divorce, long distance relationships and SO much more.
We Can't Drive 55
Catch a ride with us as we remember when we had the wind in our hair, slid across bench seats and cruised around with our best friends, blasting 80s tunes out of the sunroof.
We Will Rock You: Our Fave Concerts
The gang is back this week to talk all about our first concerts, missed musical opportunities and flat out not remembering the biggest show of our lifetime, LiveAid (Guess who that was?).
The Agony of Defeat: GenX & Sports
Cheer us on from the sidelines as we share both our athletic triumphs and defeats along with memorable sporting events and mishaps (Nancy Kerrigan anyone?)
But it’s totally true. Right?
On today’s episode, the GenX Stories gang starts season 3 digging into all our favorite urban myths. Where did they come from? How did we find out ? And why did we believe them?
BONUS: Our Afterschool Special (with snacks)
New episodes may be on mini-hiatus til season 3 drops on July 14, but today’s bonus episode is full of goodies that will make even the most sarcastic GenXer smirk.
If you build it, they will listen
Wanna go behind the scenes with the GenX Stories gang? As we wrap up season 2, we share what surprised us about this crazy podcast process, things we’re excited about in Season 3 and what members of our Facebook community really think about it all.