Cancel This: GenX to The Rescue?

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Sn 2 Ep 17

Irony is rich as the podcast gang takes on GenX being summoned into the latest cancel culture kerfuffle. Seriously - have they met us? From the PC battles of our youth with Tipper Gore and PMRC to the recent “cancellations” of Mr. Potato Head, Dr Seuss and Pepe Le Pew, we have a ton of opinions.

For even more GenX perspective, we’ve added some wayyyyy unfiltered thoughts from our FB group community. Thanks to Nikita, Spam, Alan, Allison, Krystee, Trish, Carrie, Christine & Rob for a kick-ass Happy Hour discussion on how our generation really feels about cancel culture.

So, listen or not. Whatever.

Episode links


Epic Movie Soundtracks


As Seen on TV: The Price of Nostalgia